Simple Steps to Earn Money Blogging with
It’s simple. First, you need a blog. At SponsoredReviews, quality counts, so your blog has to meet the following requirements:
- Be at least three months old.
- Must contain original content.
- Must maintain regular content along with the paid posts.
Your next step is to register your blog with SponsoredReviews, get your free account here.
From there it’s easy. Once your blog is approved, you can start searching for opportunities to make money blogging. If it sounds simple, it is. How much you can make depends on a whole variety of factors. Let’s take a look at ways you can improve your blog and make more money for your paid posts.
Appearance counts, take a look at your blog.
- How does it look?
- Does it load quickly?
- Imagine you’re an advertiser - would you hire you?
- Clean up any visual clutter and create clear and easy to navigate archives.
You may love those falling hearts or shooting stars, but if you’re trying to make money blogging, you might want to skip those cutesy things.
Now that you’ve cleaned up your blog visually, it’s time to look at content.
Does your blog have a primary topic? What’s your readership? Those are the areas you’ll want to focus on when you start searching SponsoredReviews for opportunities.
Take time to make your posts, all of them, even the unpaid ones, really stand out. Create clear headlines that are search friendly. That means that cute play on words that’s funny, but has nothing to do with your post is a no-no.
Incorporate at least one key point into your title and think of your post’s title as a mini post. Spell check the post - then do it again and if grammar and spelling aren’t your strong suit, have a friend help.
Earn some money - finding the right opportunities
OK, you’ve upped the quality factor on your blog, it’s time to start making some money blogging. Log in to that SponsoredReviews account and start searching for opportunities. What? You don’t have an account yet? It’s free, sign up.
New bloggers are often frustrated when advertisers aren’t accepting their bids. Fine tune that blog like we've been talking about. Search for opportunities that match your blog's category and readership. Price your blog right - SponsoredReviews even offers tips based on your blog's stats and offer reasonable bids.
Really, it boils down to standing out from the crowd of other bloggers who are doing the same thing you are. When you register your blog:
- Make the title work for you.
- Include your category and descriptive terms.
- Use the description to sell you and your blog.
- Highlight key points.
- Link to your best paid posts.
- Brag about your readership.
- Show off your writing skills.
Make your words count - write quality posts
The other way to increase your chances, get more bids and make more money blogging is just this: write quality posts and great reviews.
Write a well researched, well thought out post and include relevant pictures. Make sure to use the appropriate tags on pictures and link those pics outside your blog if that’s appropriate. Quality writing is going to make you stand out and look more professional.
Get personal - create an "About Me" page
While you’re at all this work streamlining and creating a great looking blog, take a moment to make sure your blog has an “About Me” page and link to your SponsoredReviews profile, and even consider becoming a SponsoredReviews affiliate. Taking steps to increase your blog’s readership is another big way to improve your blog.
- Register your blog with directory sites.
- Network with other bloggers.
- Get your blog out there and visible in the blogoshpere.
Got all that? Great! You’re ready to head out and start earning money blogging! The best part about all this? Not only do you earn money, but by taking these steps to improve your blog, and focusing on quality, you’ll also be taking important steps to increasing your blog’s readership. Which is a key step to earning higher amounts with your paid posts. Stay tuned for future posts on ways you can improve your blog
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